May 23, 2023



  1. Using time management strategies meant for factory workers
  2. Getting efficient at doing busy work that pays you $10 per hour.
  3. Stacking guru routines as a convenient way to procrastinate and drain away discipline.
  4. Working 16 hour days so you can post on social about how you’re a “HuStLeR”
  5. Collecting fancy planners and apps.
  6. Screaming about how you’re the hardest worker in the room.
  7. Multitasking. (Just, no.)
  8. Saying no to workouts, date nights and family weekend adventures because your time is worth $xxx / hour.
  9. Pushing harder when you have no clue what your priorities & needle movers are.
  10. Working longer or harder does NOT necessarily mean you’ll earn more or grow bigger.

Don’t even get me started on the number of people I see on the internet calling themselves “Hustlers” who’re “Embracing the grind”, when in reality they’re wasting time doing inefficient busy work that’s getting them paid less than a McDonald’s cashier. If an increase in productivity isn’t translating to an increase in freedom and fulfillment … that’s productivity done wrong. For the sake of dreams being lost to burnout and families being destroyed by the hustle culture, I’ll go to war before I stop educating on what productivity is NOT.

Help me out by adding to the list lol.

What are some wrong pieces of advice you’ve received around productivity?


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